Tom Poultney Unit 32 Experiments In Photography

Task 1 - Techniques
Today in Tom's lesson we got our new brief. The assignment is called Juxtapose (Experimental Photography). We got the first two tasks today as we had a double lesson, the tasks were called Image and Text, Montage. During the lesson we had to go out and take pictures for both tasks and once we had done that we had to we had to carry out the first task which is the Image and Text task. In tom's next lesson we carried on with the second task that we had been given, Montage. We had to create 2 montages using the images that we had taken the previous Lesson. In Tom's lesson we were doing Double Exposures on film paper using 5x4 cameras. We also got another task which was Photograms. We did these experiments so that we could find out which one we thought would be the best one for us.

Task 2 – Research and Proposal

Image and Text
Jamie Reid
Stefan Sagmeister
James Gallagher
Paula Muhr
Douglas Gordon
Double Exposure
Jasper James
Dan Mountford
Fine Art
Tacita Dean
Phillip Shannon
Street Photography
Daido Moriyama
William Klein
Documentary Photography
Jim Goldberg
Fashion Photography
Stephen Muisel
Ellen Rogers
Sarah Moon

James Gallagher
James Gallagher is a photographer that creates photomontages. He uses photomontage to show and investigate human form. He also uses photos that he’s found rather than photos that he’s taken.

Paula Muhr
Paula Muhr is a photographer that uses old, found photographs and scientific/meaningful objects to create interesting and different montages.

William Klein
William Klein is black and white street photographer that uses a digital camera.

Title: Experimental Photography
Theme: Digital Montage
Options: Digital
Concept: New & Old, Graffiti & Cherished, Damaged & Looked After
What will you produce? 3 or more final images, printed on A4 Paper
How: Shoot digital images and photoshop them.
Resources needed: camera and Photoshop.

Task 3 - Shoots

 Task 4 – Work in Progress

Shoot  1
Shoot 1 went okay but I could have taken more pictures and not used a wide angle lens as the changes the perspective of the photograph and the image I am trying to lay over the top does not fit well with the first image. In my next shoot (2) I will take more images that I did on this shoot so that I have a better range of photographs to choose from.

Shoot 2
Shoot 2 went considerably better that shoot 1 did in my opinion as I had more time to shoot so I  got a lot more images, and the images themselves were of a better quality that the ones in shoot 1. The angle that I took this set of images from is far better as I have a wider space to place the images.

Shoot 3
With shoot 3 I have been limited to the amount of graffiti that I could take photographs of as there Isn’t a lot of graffiti in Leeds that I know of.

Task 5 - Final Images

Task 6 - Final Evaluation

One good point about my final images is that the graffiti looks real. This is made possible by them been in black and white which I did using Photoshop. Another good thing about this project is that I got all of the shoots done in the time that was allowed to us, although I got these in time I would have liked more time so that I could have taken more images to trial. With this project I have used the time wisely as I have finished all of my work on time and to a satisfactory level. When I have been out on a shoot I could have taken an extra 5 minutes to take mire pictures of the buildings. I do not believe that I have a good enough range of graffiti from the one shoot that I did, If I’d have had more time I could have gone somewhere else so that I could have taken more pictures of graffiti. I could have spent more time making trial images so that I had a better range to use. Overall I would say that this project has gone very well for me. 

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